kosinedesign photoblog



I can't express enough how happy I am that class's for this quarter are now done. It feels amazing to have all the stress of several projects and papers completed. I'll be flying back to Columbus tomorrow (today). I'm not looking forward to the cold but I'm definitely looking forward to Aura, family and friends... yeah... these are dumb photos i took as i was driving on my way to class this morning. I took like 150 in 10 minutes so I probably will post a few more when I have a bit more energy. It's quite almost frightening as I can fel my aesthetic preference and understandings change with more 'knowledge'. I hope this might eventually lead to a shift in my work... hum...

this is a photo by Irving Penn, After-Dinner Games. A photograph my studio professor might be the best still life photograph ever. Any guesses why? As a class we talked about this single image for almost an hour.... don't be quick to judge...


For those of you who didn't know, this summer Aura and I went on a 21 day road trip out west. Part of the reason we did this was for an independent study class that Aura had. After the trip I edited our footage from the trip and made this 30 minute long 'documentary of sorts'. This is the more serious version... I will be making another that has more bloopers and us goofin' around. I had to break it up into three youtube videos since your not allowed to post longer than 10 at one time. enjoy...


I'm very glad to say that I finished editing Matt and Lindsay's wedding tonight. It's on the client gallery page as well. I'm on a roll... and staying up way too late to do so. As soon as I get this editing done I can focus on school though.

With all the editing I have been doing I had a couple photos of my lovely assistants... they rock. Thanks dad and Auralee... you deserved to be paid more to put up with my lens dropping and inability to tell you what I need when I'm photographing tendencies.

I really don't like politics but because he supports the arts and education I am very happy with the outcome of the election... and I'm stoked cause I took some photos of him and I shook his hand...


Tonight (this morning) I posted four new galleries in the client section of kosinedesign.com. One is the rest of the Lotus photoshoot, the next two are senior portrait shoots, and the third is an engagement photoshoot.


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