kosinedesign photoblog



right place, right time

I am not one who chases weather or anything but... I experienced this a few days ago.

u n b e l i e v a b l e

Some experiences you just have to be there to fully appreciate what is right in front of you. I am thankful that I have chosen a profession/obsession that allows me to translate the world into a concrete object, a photograph.



recent work.



Room With A New View

Nearly a month ago Aura and I moved up 5 floors and across the hall so now we look out and have a view. Before we looked out into a lightwell... blah.

View from where I work...

I was hoping to clean up the apartment before taking a photo... and spending a little time lighting it but I didn't, and you can see where I combined a few photos to make one. Here's a view from our front door.

My dad is coming to visit on Friday. I'm stoked.




I turned twenty-four today.
A few random photos that I thought were worthwhile or something.
Posted the new site tonight too. Images in the WORK section to come.


long hair

tanner and aura and horses butts at the denver stadium last summer

aura, schwinn and helmet


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