kosinedesign photoblog


From top to bottom: horses at Marmon Valley Farms... on location while assisting at a shoot.
My cousin Trent's senior night track meet, the "fan club", him vaulting, and the board that shows him and his dad tied for polevaulting. He broke the record Friday night... nice job Trenton, we're all proud of you man.

i don't understand why the comment section isn't working... this is a test
I had to re up my blogger account.
Hey, it worked. . . Great pics - sorry I wasn't part of the fan club. Hoping to see people on the water!
OK. So when I saw this picture of trent pole vaulting....The song "I believe I can fly" came into my head.
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Have fun Brian!!!
Brian sent me a text message at 5:45 this morning letting me know that he landed in Paris! He should be in the air to Florence right now.
Au revoir Paris, Ciao to the many photo opps. Hope all is well, Bri!
How are you? It was great to see you @ the river and ride with Court on her virgin drive into the hills. . . sorry about that!
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