kosinedesign photoblog


Ciao! Well I'm sure it's no surprise to hear that I'm having an amazing time still. Yesterday I began my main photographic project for my stay here. A photo teacher here hooked me up with a local wine and food cafe that he has been going to for a few years. So it's been two days of hanging out in there with real Italian locals and having to accept wine when they buy it for me. It's been very interesting to see how the people socialize, eat and drink; I've been sitting in the place for about three hours a day and photographing every now and then. So below are a few photos from the cafe and it's employees. I'll be going in there for the next three weeks so it will be very interesting to see what kind of things I learn and what the photos will reveal. And also on a side note, this cafe is very very small so I don't move hardly at all for all these photos, I just looked around and used a variety of lenses to get these shots.
I'm learning that because the wine is very expensive, the owner samples the wine before pouring for his guest. This is a sequence of that process.He test it out, and then pours...Then tells the buyer key thoughts on the wine...Then he watches as the buyer drinks...ahh... then a smile .This lady is great. At first she seemed intimidated by me but as soon as i started to pack up to leave she poured me the best red wine i've ever had. haha... gotta love italy.Because the place is so small the artistic shots are hidden somewhat... like this one I just had to look up.Happy buyer with glass in hand.
and of course on a goofy note. working hard in the city square in park... too much fun.

Italians take their wine seriously. I am sure you will meet some interesting peeps.
Man, it would make me mad if the bartnder took a drink of my BUSCH LIGHT before pouring it for me! Good thing I don't drink in Firenze eh?! Keep up the good work Brian. Have tons of fun, oops, it sounds like you are!
Hey there!
Looks like your shooting some AWESOME photos! I'm glad you are having lots of fun! We miss you tons here!
Hey - When is the homecoming party? I'm looking forward to a complete set of photos, not just these teaser shots. I'll bring the wine and you can show us the proper way to drink it (Drew said he'd show me once, but we can't remember that evening).
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