kosinedesign photoblog


Soooo, is Zeke the barber the bald guy?
No, GAC, the bald guy is Rex. He's a redneck, character from W. Va. and kills me every time I get my hair cut. Zeke owns the place and only works on Saturday. It's a great place for a small town country boy to get his hair cut! I LOVE the shot of Brian...
Oh yea, I forgot...tell Rick that his kid looks like Todd...
haha i'll make sure to mention that to ric.

rex bought out the place dad. he's planning to redo a lot of it, paint it, polish things up and re upholster the chairs. haha gotta love rex
Cool...Who took the pic of you?
My laptop tried to kill itself. . .

Will Rex cut my hair????

Just kidding, I like my barber.
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