kosinedesign photoblog



I can't express enough how happy I am that class's for this quarter are now done. It feels amazing to have all the stress of several projects and papers completed. I'll be flying back to Columbus tomorrow (today). I'm not looking forward to the cold but I'm definitely looking forward to Aura, family and friends... yeah... these are dumb photos i took as i was driving on my way to class this morning. I took like 150 in 10 minutes so I probably will post a few more when I have a bit more energy. It's quite almost frightening as I can fel my aesthetic preference and understandings change with more 'knowledge'. I hope this might eventually lead to a shift in my work... hum...

this is a photo by Irving Penn, After-Dinner Games. A photograph my studio professor might be the best still life photograph ever. Any guesses why? As a class we talked about this single image for almost an hour.... don't be quick to judge...

The only thoughts I have is that the still life shows how life is a contridiction. There is marble that is beautiful, but marble is also cold. It shows china, but it is filled with coffee and stained. It is a still life with lots of contridictions, just like real life. There is a non art person's perspective. I guess I will stick to my day job.
If you are focusing on shapes. It would be his display of circles, rectangles, squares. See, should stick to the day job and leave the art to you......
For the love of God please stop taking photos while driving . . . I don't want to see you in a crash. hahaha

anyway, i need advice. I took these photos (130 total) and hate all of them. here are a few. any advice how to do it better next time? http://recentmaciej.blogspot.com/2008/12/well-well-well-you-just-cant-tell-well.html
OK bud, that's a nice picture. I'm not sure about it being "the best still life ever." I personally like the picture of the El Camino at the cabin or the Yota in the air (I know that wasn't a still life photo, but it wasn't a movie now was it?). All right Maciej, you are too particular, I love your images. I don't get the lighting issues that you (and Brian, I'm sure) see. I just like them. I'll probably steal them off of your website and print them for the walls in my classroom along with Brian's stuff! C'ya all.
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