kosinedesign photoblog





Seriously though... AMERICAN MART.

There is so much going on in this image. The obvious and not so obvious. Like the fact that the 'American Mart' is open yet still has a For Lease sign on it. What does that mean? In my mind it reveals the American ideal that things are always for sale in hopes that a better option might come along. This idea is further emphasized by the fact that there were other words obviously painted over and replaced with the bold 'AMERICAN MART' lettering. And the stars.... what is with America and patriotic stars?

The small black figure in the background too seems to be yelling at the two heavy foreground figures. Her arms crossed with her almost childlike pout expression. To her left, the man looks up, his hands are held together, possibly the most optimistic aspect of the image. On the right side of the woman, the other man flicks his cigarette. As if it isn't upsetting enough that he is extremely overweight to be smoking just makes it worse.

The picture does have a lot going on. It is a very good picture. I need to see some uplifting holiday stuff now. :0)

Merry Christmas kosine and Artgirl.
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